Beställ genom att mejla Andreas andreas.muller108 @ Han besvarar också gärna frågor om produkterna. Porto tillkommer om produkten ska sändas. Alla intäkter går oavkortat till Ammas välgörenhetsprojekt i Indien, Embracing the World. Se
Observera att din produkt kan se något annorlunda ut än bilderna som visas i prislistan pga olika upplagor.
En samling av Ammas svar på frågor som ställts under hennes program i Väst sedan 1999. Vissa frågor ställdes i ett formellt sammanhang, men de flesta ställdes av dem som satt bredvid henne eller vilade i hennes armar under darshan. Amma diskuterar ett brett spektrum av ämnen, inklusive födelse och död, världsliga relationer och hur de fungerar, krig och fred, samt andliga övningar och filosofi. Oavsett frågan svarar Amma i sin egen unika jordnära stil – fylld av hennes moderliga kärlek och visdomen hos en genuin andlig mästare, förklarar hon de mest esoteriska andliga sanningarna på ett så underbart enkelt sätt att även ett barn kan förstå.
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Ammas biografi
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En liten bok som innehåller Ammas svar på frågor om miljön, presenterade till henne av Sam La Budde, projektledaren för the Endangered Species Project, Earth Island Institute, San Francisco.
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Awaken, Children! – En serie klassiker som finns på bokhyllan hos de flesta Amma devotees. De innehåller händelser och samtal med Amma från 1976 till 1987. Man behöver inte köpa böckerna i ordning eftersom de är helt oberoende av varandra.
Loving obedience to the Guru is the meaning of “self-surrender” as told by Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi). And yet how does one always know what that surrender might be, or what path to follow to best please God? In Volume 2 these questions are addressed, including how to surrender to the Guru, and how to purify ourselves to understand the paths we are to take. Some additional topics are: where does happiness come from; fruits of actions can be overcome; effects of former births; what is sin; self effort and grace; mantras; different paths; vows; and faith. These teaching conversations and dialogues between Amma and her devotees take place from December 1983 through February 1984. The Awaken Children! series record Amma’s inspirational conversations with various seekers from 1976 onwards and have been faithfully recorded by Swami Amritaswarupananda.
112 kr
Whenever Amma speaks to us, it is from the exalted state of sahaja samadhi, the natural state of abidance in the Absolute Reality. It is compassion, and compassion alone, which prompts her to speak to her children about the indescribable state of Perfection. Volume 3 contains Amma’s teaching conversations and dialogues with devotees from February 1984 through April 1984. Some of the topics covered are: what is the place where Mother is not; Mother and God are One; Bhava Darshan; Brahman; purification of departed souls; the nature of the mind; concentration and love; faith and sadhana; the bliss of singing bhajans; ashrams; and the Kali principle. All the books of the Awaken Children! series cover Amma’s inspirational conversations with various seekers from 1976 onwards and have been faithfully recorded by her senior disciples. Expressing the highest spiritual truths in the simplest language, she inspires devotion to God, love for fellow beings and the spirit of selfless service.
112 kr
Rebirth–death of the old and birth of the new–a new life, a new vision…this is the real boon of a mahatma, or an enlightened master. Mahatmas like Amma want everyone to experience this everlasting peace and joy. It’s their wish that everyone should experience their oneness with creation, and they strive to accomplish this goal. Volume 4 contains Amma’s teaching conversations and dialogues with devotees from April 1984 through June 1984. Some of the topics covered are: spiritual qualities of women; beyond duality; receiving the Guru’s prasad; suffering of the poor; work in praise of God; believers and non believers; innocent faith and how to study the scriptures; concentration and meditation; formation of qualities in children; family life as an ashram; as well as spiritual love and worldly love. Books in the Awaken Children! series cover Amma’s inspirational conversations with various seekers from 1976 onwards and have been faithfully recorded by her senior disciples.
112 kr
Volume 5 focuses on sadhana, or spiritual practices, and how we can use them to control the mind and subdue the ego. Some additional topics covered are: working with love; heart and intellect; stillness of mind; praying and crying to God as meditation; right attitude; sadhana and destiny; reducing your ego; courage; surrender; discrimination; and compassion. This volume contains Amma’s teaching conversations and dialogues with devotees from July 1984 through August 1984. The books of the Awaken Children! series contain Amma’s conversations with various seekers from 1976 onwards and have been faithfully recorded by her senior disciples.
112 kr
One of the main subjects in Volume 6 is the complex subject of karma, the spiritual law of cause and effect. Amma says, “This circle will continue until you stop reacting to the present, which is the effect of the past. When you can accept present experiences as inevitable, as the consequences of your own actions and face them without any thought of anger or revenge, then the circle of Karma will stop moving.” Volume 6 contains Ammachi’s teaching conversations and dialogues with devotees from July 1984 through October 1984. Some of the topics covered are: the art of dying; delusion by ego; the theory of karma; contentment; respect for all life; self-centeredness; the child within; study of scriptures; as well as forgiving and forgetting. The Awaken Children! series covers Amma’s inspirational conversations with various seekers from 1976 onwards. All the conversations have been faithfully recorded by her senior disciples.
112 kr
This book is the essence of Vedanta, the philosophy that affirms the oneness of all existence and the divinity of the soul. Simply reading this book becomes like a meditation on Vedantic truth and is a powerful way to reconnect with that ancient knowedge. Additional topics covered in Volume 7 are: the mind is mad; the state of witnessing; attachment is a disease; the three types of students; religion and spirituality; learning to conquer boredom; and the courage to surrender. Volume 7 contains Amma’s teaching conversations and dialogues with devotees from October 1984 through January 1986 (with a few exceptions). All the conversations have been faithfully recorded by her senior disciples.
112 kr
This volume focuses on family life and relationships. Amma says, “Children, as ordinary human beings, everyone has both good qualities and bad qualities. Always try to recognize and admire the good qualities in each other.” Some of the topics covered are: relationships; motherhood; married life; the sign of a true relationship; real growth and maturity; living according to your dharma; respect without love creates fear; the art of relaxation; spontaneity; and loneliness. Volume 8 contains Amma’s teachings during the year 1986. All the conversations have been faithfully recorded by her senior disciples.
This final volume in the Awaken Children series! is an intriguing account of the conversations between Amma and her devotees during her First World Tour. The year 1987 marked a turning point in her mission of spreading the message of love, compassion, and peace to mankind. As she and her devotees began to travel the world, the nature and focus of their conversations took a distinct turn. From San Francisco to Austria Volume 9 focuses on the issues that devotees were faced with as they tried to reconcile being within the world and still focusing on the ultimate goal of self-realisation. Books in the Awaken Children! series cover Amma’s inspirational conversations with various seekers from 1976 onwards and have been faithfully recorded by her senior disciples.
This book contains a collection of Amma’s answers to questions on the principles of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism), which embodies eternal truths that everyone, irrespective of religion, caste, or culture, can imbibe and adopt in life. These questions were raised by devotees on different occasions.
90 kr
A simplified version of Amma’s biography that is appropriate for younger readers, this is the true story of Sudhamani, a girl who grew up in a fishing village by the sea in southern India. From birth she was special. She spent hours singing songs to Krishna. She showered compassion on everyone she met and helped them however she could. Since her mother was ill, she had to quit school and do all the housework for her large family. In her teens she spent more and more time immersed in thoughts of God, enduring suffering and complete rejection from her family. Still, she continued her spiritual practices until her oneness with the Divine became obvious to the villagers. Today she is known as Amma or Mata Amritanandamayi to her many devotees. As she tours the world, thousands seek the blessing of her embrace. A wonderful story that will delight your children. 150 pages with black and white illustrations.
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This book is a collection of Amma’s answers to questions asked during her programs in the West since 1999. Some were asked in a formal setting, but most were asked by those sitting beside her and those resting in her arms as she was giving darshan. Amma speaks on a variety of topics, including the nature of birth and death, worldly relationship how and why it works, war and peace, and spiritual practices and philosophy. Irrespective of the question, Amma answers in her own inimitable earthy style – full of love of a mother and the wisdom of a true spiritual master, presenting the most esoteric of spiritual truths in a manner so simple that even a child could understand.
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By Swami Ramakrishnananda
The Bhagavad Gita is one of the core texts of the Indian spiritual tradition. Its 18 chapters present the very essence of spirituality. As Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma) says, “The Bhagvad Gita is verily a distillation of the Vedas. It has flowed down to us like the Ganges through the grace of God. Miraculously, even though it is a distillation, it retains the depth and expansiveness of the original. It has thus become regarded as the very symbol of Santana Dharma.” Here, Swami Ramakrishananda analyzes eight verses from the 12th chapter of the Gita that are referred to collectively as the Amritashtakam. In these “Eight Immortal Verses,” we find a presentation of the qualities, characteristics and mental attitudes of an individual who has attained the peak of spirituality, what the Gita refers to as supreme devotion.
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By Swami Ramakrishnananda
The Hindu scriptures compare the spiritual path to walkng along a razor’s edge. Now Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri shows how, with the help and loving guidance of a Satguru like Amma, we can tread this path with relative ease, even racing along the path toward inner peace and ultimately the realization of the Universal Self that all beings share.Narrated with characteristic wit, lively examples, and profound insights and experiences gleaned from 27 years of living with Amma, Racing Along the Razor’s Edge is a wellspring of practical wisdom from one of Amma’s senior disciples.Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri has been traveling around the globe with Amma since her first world tour in 1987. Currently, he spends most of his time visiting Amma’s ashrams and centers around the world, giving discourses, leading retreats, and teaching hatha yoga and meditation classes.
112 kr
By Swami Ramakrishnananda
“Spirituality is often referred to as a path. But where does it begin? Where does it end? And where does it take us? Is the seeker himself the trailblazer–hacking through the jungle with his lone machete? Or is it laid out before us? Are there multiple paths or just one? In The Timeless Path: A Step-By-Step Guide to Spiritual Evolution, Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri elucidates the spiritual path as presented by India’s traditional scriptures, showing it to be the one and the same path taught by world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma). Drawing on more than 30 years of experience as one of Amma’s senior disciples, and with his own characteristic wit, in The Timeless Path, Swamiji lays out the spiritual journey from beginning to end in clear and simple prose. Simultaneously shattering common misconceptions about spirituality and handing us the building blocks to construct a solid and practical spiritual life, Swamiji brings even abstract spiritual concepts down to earth, creating a book capable of inspiring and guiding spiritual seekers of all levels.”
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By Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
Swamini Krishnamrita Prana, Australian by birth, was one of the first women disciples to find Amma. In her second book, she describes spiritual life while living with this God-realized Soul for the past 25 years. She delights the readers with her unique perspective on daily life with Amma, recounting stories and experiences in her intimate and down-to-earth style. She shares some profound insights into the nature of life and love, gathered like pearls from the ocean of wisdom that is Amma.
112 kr
By Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
Here is an intimate portrait , as humorous as it is profound, through the eyes of a western woman who has served Amma from the earliest days to the present.Swamini Krishnamrita Prana traveled to India from Australia while just out of her teens on a spiritual quest that soon led her to the open arms of Mother. Through this book, the reader gains insight through the startling clarity of Amma’s words and responses in unexpected circumstances. As the disciple is lead and transformed, so too will the reader benefit by the daily example of a Divine Saint and the radiant love in Her wise instruction and gracious compassion.
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Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
In her down-to-earth, humorous style, Swamini Krishnamrita Prana shares a wealth of wisdom in her fifth book highlighting the spiritual teachings of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma). She reveals a unique perspective, gained through living so closely with Amma for over thirty years. Swamini Krishnamrita makes Amma’s teachings easily accessible and shows us through practical examples, how to incorporate them into our daily lives.
112 kr
By Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
Swamini Krishnamrita Prana, Australian by birth, was one of the first female disciples to find Amma. In her latest book Swamini Krishnamrita Prana shares stories of Amma and experiences of devotees from around the world. Accessing Amma’s message and teachings and conveying them in an easy to access format, this book speaks to the ultimate truth that Love is the Answer to all problems in life.
112 kr
In this book Swami Purnamritananda Puri shares memories of being led by Amma from the dense jungle of the intellect to the shady bower of the heart that have been woven into stories that speak of an alchemy that can transmute even dross into gold. This book contains memorable parables of how Amma, the Satguru, transmits to the disciple secrets that no philosophy can explicate. This universe is God’s means of taking humanity to fullness. It is a treasure trove of wonders, bestowing myriad experiences commensurate with people’s various levels of maturity and understanding. Everyone lives in his or her own world. It is the human mind that creates heaven and hell. Nothing can be rejected. Instead, one must have the expansiveness of heart to embrace everything. This is what Amma is showing us – the ability to see only the good. This book shows us how, through motherly affection, Amma is giving us the gift of inner purity with which we can overcome the perversities of the mind and attain the divine experience of eternal beauty, thus fulfilling our lives.
112 kr
By Swami Paramatmananda
The first volume in an inspiring collection of talks by one of Amma’s foremost disciples and most accessible spiritual teachers, Swami Paramatmananda Puri. The talks in this volume include: Stories of Saints, Faith in Mother, Developing Will Power, Christmas and the Mystic Christ, Detachment, Bhajan as Sadhana, and Food and Sadhana.These spiritual talks, or satsangs as they are called in Sanskrit, are an inspiring combination of stories, humor, and scriptural references. They also contain many of Swami’s own personal spiritual experiences with Amma. Originally available only on tape, his talks have now been transcribed, preserving his unique speaking style as much as possible. Swami Paramatmananda Puri is a senior disciple of the great woman saint of Kerala, India, Amma. He came to settle in her ashram in 1980 after having spent 12 years in Ramana Maharshi’s ashram in Tiruvannamalai. Born in America and familiar with the analytical Western mind, yet having fully lived and imbibed Eastern spiritual truths, he is able to present those truths in a manner which is readily understood by everyone. He now lives at Amma’s ashram in India.
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By Swami Turiyamritananda
This book contains the compilation of poems by Swami Turiyamritananda Puri. Lacking formal education, the author had nothing to call his own in the material world and was guided by destiny to Amma. The budding poet in him has been flowering in Amma’s inspiring presence. His life is ever centered on Amma, who is his unfailing inspiration, the melody, theme and tune of all his songs. The reader will notice in these poems different moods – the very yearning and seeking, the sheer joy of finding final refuge at the feet of his Guru and God, the pangs of separation, and the calm assurance of the ultimate merger into the Great Being – so characteristic of all earnest spiritual seekers.
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Dayalu (Ted Zeff)
Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi) is known throughout the world for her love, compassion and selflessness towards all beings. Over 30 million people have experienced the magnificent healing effect of the love that she showers on all through her maternal embrace. Amma has given keynote speeches at the United Nations and received a multitude of awards for her humanitarian activities. In “Amma: Inspiring Experiences with the Divine Mother,” author Ted Zeff, longtime follower of Amma, tells hundreds of awe-inspiring and miraculous stories of devotees who have been transformed through the power of Amma’s divine love.
112 kr
A small book with practical and insightful guide about how to blend spiritual life with home life and family life. More than 150 excepts have been taken on various topics including the significance of marriage, the importance of selfless service, spiritual practice and worship as well as many other pertinent topics. In addition, the section titled “Training of Children” contains practical techniques on raising children in a spiritual manner. One excerpt reads: “Up to the age of five, children should be given a lot of love. From the age of five to fifteen they should be brought up under strict discipline especially regarding their study. It is at that time that life’s foundation is formed. Love without discipline will only spoil them. Above the age of fifteen children should be given maximum love, otherwise they may go astray.” – Amma.
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This little book contains selections from Amma’s spiritual teachings and answers to frequently asked questions of seekers on topics such as Mahatmas and Avatars, Meditation, Mantras, Food, Celibacy, Love, Anger and the Nature of a Guru. Her counsels are universal and applicable to our daily lives whether we are serious spiritual aspirants, householders or skeptics. Also includes a short biographical sketch of Amma’s life.
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Ammas tal vid Religionernas Världsparlament i Chicago 1993.
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Ammas tal till FN i New York vid firandet av FN:s 50 års jubileum 1995.
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Ammas tal vid the Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders – FN, Geneve 2002
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Ammas tal vid Cinema Varietes filmfestival 2007
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Ammas tal vid firandet av 150:de årsdagen av Swami Vivekanandas födelse.
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